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Towards Senior Workers’ Innovative Training Challenges

TO SWITCH – Towards Senior Workers’ Innovative Training Challenges – is a European program led by eight partners from seven countries, collaborating in the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 program – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.

Led by the province of Trento, Italy, the partners associated with Pôle emploi Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur include Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Romania, Norway, Spain and Switzerland.

The work of the project is aimed at the innovation and improvement of training processes as well as updating trainers and professionals involved in the training of adult workers, in particular those over 50.

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The project responds to the challenges posed by work contexts characterized on the one hand by profound changes linked to the digitization of work and the demand for new skills and, on the other, by the extension of working life and the growing share of senior workers in the world of work. The urgency of supporting lifelong learning and training of mature workers is now widely recognized and also the focus on the mechanisms and motivations for learning and work that change with age.

In order to influence this phenomenon, the vocational training of all the actors involved in supporting the capacity building and career change of active or inactive senior citizens is very important.

Supporting motivation and learning skills, mitigating the decline in work capacity, and enhancing the contribution of senior workers are essential and can represent major benefits for all companies.

The expected outcomes are the expansion of knowledge and development of a new conceptual and methodological framework for the training of senior workers.

Another outcome is the activation of a “Permanent Laboratory on Active Aging” which mainly involves strategic aspects. The laboratory will be activated by the Autonomous Province of Trento and will be open to all European, national and local actors interested in the aging of the active population and in training actions aimed at this change.

The implementation of a digital platform for the training of instructors/trainers is another focus area. The objective of the digital platform is on the one hand to define the contents of the models, methodologies, tools and practices for the training of senior workers, and on the other hand to create training courses for this target audience.